Some tests for drawing methods in the Canvas class.
Canvas |
drawCells should draw cells on CPM
- |
drawCells should draw cells on CA
- |
drawOnCellBorders should draw borders on CPM
- |
drawOnCellBorders should draw borders on CA
- |
drawCellBorders should work on CPM and CA
- |
Some tests for the DiceSet class.
DiceSet |
should start empty
- |
should be empty after an element is added and removed
- |
Rigorous tests for Grid2D-specific methods. See GridExtensionSpec.js for
more general tests.
Grid2D |
[ unit tests ]
- |
pixelsi generator reports correct IndexCoordinates
Grid2D#pixelsi |
neighi method should return same results as neighiSimple
Grid2D#neighiSimple |
neighi method should return correct neighbors for specific cases:
Grid2D#neighi |
...corner [0,0]
- |
...corner [xMax,0]
- |
...corner [0,yMax]
- |
...corner [xMax,yMax]
- |
neighNeumanni method should return correct neighbors
Grid2D#neighNeumanni |
neighNeumanni method should return correct neighbors for specific cases:
Grid2D#neighNeumanni |
...corner [0,0]
- |
...corner [xMax,0]
- |
...corner [0,yMax]
- |
...corner [xMax,yMax]
- |
gradienti method should return correct gradients
Grid2D#gradienti |
Rigorous tests for Grid3D-specific methods. See GridExtensionSpec.js for
more general tests.
Grid3D |
[ unit tests ]
- |
pixelsi generator reports correct IndexCoordinates
Grid3D#pixelsi |
neighi method should return correct neighbors for specific cases:
Grid3D#neighi |
...corner [0,0,0]
- |
...corner [xMax,yMax,zMax]
- |
General tests that every Grid subclass should pass
Grid3D |
spec/grid/GridExtensionSpec.js |
- |
should all have a _pixelArray
- |
should all have a p2i method
- |
should all have an i2p method
- |
i2p and p2i should be inverse for valid grid coordinates
Grid3D#i2p |
should all have a neighi method
- |
should all have pixels(i) generator methods
- |
Grid subclasses supporting diffusion.
Grid2D |
spec/grid/GridExtensionSpec.js |
- |
should support a Float datatype
- |
should be able to store Floating point and negative numbers
- |
should have a gradienti method
- |
should have a neighNeumanni generator
- |
Tests for Grid Manipulator
GridManipulator |
[ unit tests ]
- |
seedCellAt should not throw error normally
GridManipulator#seedCellAt |
seedCellAt should throw error when trying to seed outside of grid
- |
should remove a cellID from the grid
GridManipulator#killCell |
should not mess up cellKinds etc
- |
Grid |
[ unit tests ]
- |
Grid#constructor |
should throw an error when torus is specified for an incorrect number of dimensions
- |
should set a size for each dimension
- |
should set a torus property in each dimension
- |
should by default set torus = true in each dimension
- |
should be able to handle different torus settings for each dimension
- |
should be able to handle a different size in each dimension
- |
should compute a midpoint at the correct position
- |
neigh method
Grid#neigh |
should return an array coordinate
- |
should listen to torus for each dimension
- |
setpix(i) methods
Grid#setpixi |
can be called
Grid#setpixi |
should prohibit setting an invalid type on the grid to avoid bugs
Grid#_isValidValue |
store values in the Grid correctly
Grid#setpixi |
pixt(i) methods
Grid#pixti |
pixt(i) can show types on the grid.
Grid#pixti |
pixelsBuffer method
Grid#pixelsBuffer |
should work on Float32 and Uint16 grids
- |
laplacian(i) method
Grid#laplaciani |
should work on Float32 grids
- |
should throw error when you try to call it on Uint16 grid
- |
should compute laplacian correctly
- |
case 1 : everything zero
- |
case 2 : everything a positive value
- |
case 3 : everything a negative value
- |
case 4 : floating point values
- |
case 4 : positive and negative floating point values
- |
diffusion method
Grid#diffusion |
can be called on Float32 grids
- |
should throw error when you try to call it on Uint16 grid
- |
[ class extension ]
- |
should be possible to extend with a method
- |
should be possible to build a custom Grid subclass
- |
should throw an error when _pixelArray is not set in subclass
Grid#_pixels |
superclass should throw error when p2i/i2p not implemented
Grid#i2p |
should throw error when neighi not implemented
Grid#neigh |
should throw error when pixels/pixelsi not implemented
Grid#pixels |
should throw error when gradienti not implemented
Grid#gradient |
gradient should work as soon as gradienti and p2i are implemented.
Grid#gradient |
laplaciani should throw error when neighNeumanni not implemented
Grid#laplaciani |
laplacian should throw error when p2i/neighNeumanni not implemented
Grid#laplaciani |
laplacian(i) should work if p2i, neighNeumanni, and _pixelArray exist
Grid#laplaciani |
LocalConnectivityConstraint |
[ Unit tests ]
- |
method [ connectedComponentsOf ]
LocalConnectivityConstraint#connectedComponentsOf |
should return only one component in connected case
- |
should return multiple components in disconnected case
- |
[ Integration tests ]
- |
integration with ParameterChecker
LocalConnectivityConstraint#confChecker |
should throw an error when CONNECTED parameter is unspecified
- |
when copy attempt would disrupt local connectivity
- |
#checkConnected should return false
LocalConnectivityConstraint#checkConnected |
and when CONNECTED for the tgt cellKind
LocalConnectivityConstraint#fulfilled |
is true, constraint should not be fulfilled
- |
is false, constraint should be fulfilled
- |
method [ connectedComponentsOf ]
- |
should listen to the grid torus property correctly
- |
Tests for Perimeter Constraint
PerimeterConstraint |
[ unit tests ]
- |
can be added to a non-empty grid without crashing:
PerimeterConstraint |
can be added automatically through the conf object
- |
Tests for Persistence Constraint
PersistenceConstraint |
[ unit tests ]
- |
does not crash when cell doesn't move for a while:
PersistenceConstraint |
- |
should throw an error when LAMBDA_CONNECTIVITY parameter is not specified
- |
should throw an error when NBH_TYPE is set incorrectly
- |
when computing connected components
- |
should return only one component in connected case
- |
should return multiple components in disconnected case
- |
should listen to the neighborhood type property correctly
- |
should listen to the grid torus property correctly
- |
when copy attempt would disrupt local connectivity
- |
#checkConnected should return 1
- |
and when LAMBDA_CONNECTIVITY for the tgt celltype
- |
is non-zero, constraint should return positive deltaH
- |
is zero, constraint should return deltaH zero
- |
Some tests for the CPM class.
[ Unit tests ]
- |
method [ setpixi ]
CPM#setpixi |
shouldn't mess up cell kinds
- |
shouldn't mess up cell kinds if called twice on same pixel
- |
Tests for Simulation class.
Simulation |
[ unit tests ]
- |
drawCanvas has sensible defaults:
Simulation#drawCanvas |
should not throw error if ACTCOLOR undefined
- |
initializeGrid method:
Simulation#initializeGrid |
should correctly clear up stats if called twice
- |
should reset C if called twice
- |