import Simulation from 'Artistoo/src/simulation/Simulation.js'
public class | source


This class provides some boilerplate code for creating simulations easily. It comes with defaults for seeding cells, drawing, logging of statistics, saving output images, and running the simulation. Each of these default methods can be overwritten by the user while keeping the other default methods intact. See the Simulation#constructor for details on how to configure a simulation.



Constructor Summary

Public Constructor

constructor(config: object, simsettings: object)

The constructor of class Simulation takes two arguments.

Member Summary

Public Members

C: *


Attached Canvas object.


[m]: *

Any function suplied in the custommethods argument to the constructor is bound to the object.


Configuration of the simulation environment


Custom methods added to / overwriting the default Simulation class.


Attached GridManipulator object.


See if objects of class Canvas and GridManipulator already exist.


Draw the canvas every [rate] MCS.


To check from outside if an object is a Simulation; doing this with instanceof doesn't work in some cases. Any other object will not have this variable and return 'undefined', which in an if-statement equates to a 'false'. @type{boolean}


Log stats every [rate] MCS.


Log stats or not.


Log stats or not, specified for both browser and node mode.


See if code is run in browser or via node, which will be used below to determine what the output should be.


Saving images or not.


Where to save images.


Track the time of the simulation.

Private Members

Should the simulation be running? Change this to pause; see the toggleRunning method.

Method Summary

Public Methods

Adds a Canvas object when required.


Add additional constraints to the model before running; this method is automatically called and adds constraints given in the config object.


Adds a GridManipulator object when required.


This automatically creates all outputs (images and logged stats) at the correct rates.


Methods drawBelow and drawOnTop allow you to draw extra stuff below and on top of the output from drawCanvas, respectively.


Method to draw the canvas.


Methods drawBelow and drawOnTop allow you to draw extra stuff below and on top of the output from drawCanvas, respectively.


Method to initialize the Grid should be implemented in each simulation.


Method to log statistics.


Listener for something that needs to be done after every monte carlo step.



Run the entire simulation.


Run the brunin period as defined by simsettings.BURNIN : run this number of MCS before the time of this simulation object starts ticking, and before we start drawing etc.



Run a montecarlostep, produce outputs if required, run any postMCSListener, and update the time.


Use this to pause or restart the simulation from an HTML page.

Public Constructors

public constructor(config: object, simsettings: object) source

The constructor of class Simulation takes two arguments.


config object

overall configuration settings. This is an object with multiple entries, see below.

config.field_size GridSize

size of the CPM to build.

config.constraints Constraint[]

array of additional constraints to add to the CPM model.

config.conf object

configuration settings for the CPM; see its CPM#constructor for details.

simsettings object

configuration settings for the simulation itself and for controlling the outputs. See the parameters below for details.

simsettings.NRCELLS number[]

array with number of cells to seed for every non-background CellKind.

simsettings.BURNIN number

number of MCS to run before the actual simulation starts (let cells get their target volume before starting).

simsettings.RUNTIME number

number of MCS the simulation should run. Only necessary if you plan to use the run method.

simsettings.IMGFRAMERATE number
  • optional
  • default: 1

draw the grid every [x] MCS.

simsettings.LOGRATE number
  • optional
  • default: 1

log stats every [x] MCS.

simsettings.LOGSTATS object
  • optional
  • default: {browser:false,node:true}

whether stats should be logged in browser and node.

simsettings.SAVEIMG boolean
  • optional
  • default: false

should images be saved? (node only).

simsettings.SAVEPATH string
  • optional

where should images be saved? You only have to give this argument when SAVEIMG = true.

simsettings.EXPNAME string
  • optional
  • default: "myexp"

string used to construct the filename of any saved image.

simsettings.CANVASCOLOR HexColor
  • optional
  • default: "FFFFFF"

color to draw the background in; defaults to white.

simsettings.CELLCOLOR HexColor[]
  • optional

color to draw each non-background CellKind in. If left unspecified, the Canvas will use black.

simsettings.ACTCOLOR boolean[]
  • optional

should activities of the ActivityConstraint be drawn for each CellKind? If left unspecified, these are not drawn.

simsettings.SHOWBORDERS boolean[]
  • optional
  • default: false

should borders of each CellKind be drawn? Defaults to false.

simsettings.BORDERCOL HexColor[]
  • optional
  • default: "000000"

color to draw cellborders of each CellKind in. Defaults to black.

Public Members

public C: * source

public Cim: Canvas source

Attached Canvas object.

public [m]: * source

Any function suplied in the custommethods argument to the constructor is bound to the object.

public conf: object source

Configuration of the simulation environment

public constraints: * source

public custommethods: object source

Custom methods added to / overwriting the default Simulation class. These are stored so that the ArtistooImport can check them.

public gm: GridManipulator source

Attached GridManipulator object.

public helpClasses: object source

See if objects of class Canvas and GridManipulator already exist. These are added automatically when required. This will set their values in helpClasses to 'true', so they don't have to be added again.

public imgrate: number source

Draw the canvas every [rate] MCS.

public isSimulation: boolean source

To check from outside if an object is a Simulation; doing this with instanceof doesn't work in some cases. Any other object will not have this variable and return 'undefined', which in an if-statement equates to a 'false'. @type{boolean}

public lograte: number source

Log stats every [rate] MCS.

public logstats: boolean source

Log stats or not.

public logstats2: object source

Log stats or not, specified for both browser and node mode.

public mode: string source

See if code is run in browser or via node, which will be used below to determine what the output should be.

public saveimg: boolean source

Saving images or not.

public savepath: string source

Where to save images.

public time: number source

Track the time of the simulation.

Private Members

private running: boolean source

Should the simulation be running? Change this to pause; see the toggleRunning method.

Public Methods

public addCanvas() source

Adds a Canvas object when required.

public addConstraints() source

Add additional constraints to the model before running; this method is automatically called and adds constraints given in the config object.

public addGridManipulator() source

Adds a GridManipulator object when required.

public createOutputs() source

This automatically creates all outputs (images and logged stats) at the correct rates. See the constructor documentation for options on how to control these outputs.

public drawBelow() source

Methods drawBelow and drawOnTop allow you to draw extra stuff below and on top of the output from drawCanvas, respectively. You can use them if you wish to visualize additional properties but don't want to remove the standard visualization. They are called at the beginning and end of drawCanvas, so they do not work if you overwrite this method.

public drawCanvas() source

Method to draw the canvas. The default method draws the canvas, cells, cellborders, and activityvalues as specified in the simsettings object (see the constructor for details).

This will be enough for most scenarios, but if you want to draw more complicated stuff, you can use the custommethods argument of the constructor to overwrite this with your own drawCanvas method.


public drawOnTop() source

Methods drawBelow and drawOnTop allow you to draw extra stuff below and on top of the output from drawCanvas, respectively. You can use them if you wish to visualize additional properties but don't want to remove the standard visualization. They are called at the beginning and end of drawCanvas, so they do not work if you overwrite this method.

public initializeGrid() source

Method to initialize the Grid should be implemented in each simulation. The default method checks in the simsettings.NRCELLS array how many cells to seed for each {@CellKind}, and does this (at random positions).

Often you'll want to do other things here. In that case you can use the custommethods argument of the constructor to overwrite this with your own initializeGrid method.


public logStats() source

Method to log statistics. The default method logs time, CellId, CellKind, and the {@ArrayCoordinate} of the cell's centroid to the console.

If you want to compute other stats (see subclasses of Stat for options) you can use the custommethods argument of the constructor to overwrite this with your own drawCanvas method.

public postMCSListener() source

Listener for something that needs to be done after every monte carlo step. This method is empty but can be overwritten via the custommethods argument of the constructor.

public run() source

Run the entire simulation. This function is meant for nodejs, as you'll want to perform individual steps in a requestAnimationFrame for an animation in a HTML page.

public runBurnin() source

Run the brunin period as defined by simsettings.BURNIN : run this number of MCS before the time of this simulation object starts ticking, and before we start drawing etc.

public step() source

Run a montecarlostep, produce outputs if required, run any postMCSListener, and update the time.

public toggleRunning() source

Use this to pause or restart the simulation from an HTML page.