import PreferredDirectionConstraint from 'Artistoo/src/hamiltonian/PreferredDirectionConstraint.js'
public class | source



ConstraintSoftConstraint → PreferredDirectionConstraint

Implements a global bias direction of motion. This constraint computes the unnormalized dot product between copy attempt vector and target direction vector.

Supply the target direction vector in normalized form, or use the length of the vector to influence the strength of this bias.

Works for torus grids, if they are "big enough".


// Build a CPM and add the constraint
let CPM = require( "path/to/build" )
let C = new CPM.CPM( [200,200], { T : 20 } )
C.add( new CPM.PreferredDirectionConstraint( {
	LAMBDA_DIR : [0,50], 
	DIR : [[0,0],[1,1]]
} ) )

Constructor Summary

Public Constructor

The constructor of the PreferredDirectionConstraint requires a conf object with parameters.

Method Summary

Public Methods

This method checks that all required parameters are present in the object supplied to the constructor, and that they are of the right format.


deltaH(src_i: IndexCoordinate, tgt_i: IndexCoordinate, src_type: CellId, tgt_type: CellId): number

Method to compute the Hamiltonian for this constraint.

Inherited Summary

From class Constraint
public get abstract

This method is actually implemented in the subclass.

public set


This function attaches the relevant CPM to this constraint, so that information about this cpm can be requested from the constraint.

public get

Get the parameters of this constraint from the conf object.



CPM on which this constraint acts.


Configuration object for this constraint.

public abstract

cellParameter(param: string, cid: CellId): any

Get a cellid or cellkind-specific parameter for a constraint.

public abstract

The optional confChecker method should verify that all the required conf parameters are actually present in the conf object and have the right format.


paramOfCell(param: string, cid: CellId): any

Get a cellId specific parameter, only used if CPMEvol is used: looks whether the requested parameter is overwritten in an @object Cell and otherwise returns @function paramOfKind


paramOfKind(param: string, cid: CellId): any

Returns a cellKind specfic variable: Assumes that the parameter is indexable by cellkind.

From class SoftConstraint
public get

Let the CPM know that this is a soft constraint, so return 'soft'.

public abstract

deltaH(src_i: IndexCoordinate, tgt_i: IndexCoordinate, src_type: CellId, tgt_type: CellId): number

Soft constraints must have a deltaH method to compute the Hamiltonian.

Public Constructors

public constructor(conf: object) source

The constructor of the PreferredDirectionConstraint requires a conf object with parameters.




conf object

parameter object for this constraint

conf.LAMBDA_DIR PerKindNonNegative

strength of the constraint per cellkind.

conf.DIR ArrayCoordinate[]

'vector' with the preferred direction. This is an array with the ArrayCoordinates of the start and endpoints of this vector.

Public Methods

public confChecker() source

This method checks that all required parameters are present in the object supplied to the constructor, and that they are of the right format. It throws an error when this is not the case.



public deltaH(src_i: IndexCoordinate, tgt_i: IndexCoordinate, src_type: CellId, tgt_type: CellId): number source

Method to compute the Hamiltonian for this constraint.




src_i IndexCoordinate

coordinate of the source pixel that tries to copy.

tgt_i IndexCoordinate

coordinate of the target pixel the source is trying to copy into.

src_type CellId

cellid of the source pixel.

tgt_type CellId

cellid of the target pixel. This argument is not actually used but is given for consistency with other soft constraints; the CPM always calls this method with four arguments.



the change in Hamiltonian for this copy attempt and this constraint.