public class | source


This base class defines a general CPM constraint and provides methods that do not depend on the specific constraint used. This class is never used on its own, as it does not yet contain the actual definition of a constraint (such as a deltaH method).

In general, we distinguish between two types of constraint:

  • a HardConstraint is a hard rule that must be fulfilled in order for a copy attempt to succeed;
  • a SoftConstraint is an energy term in the Hamiltonian that can make a copy attempt either more or less energetically favourable, but does not by itself determine whether a copy attempt will succeed. An unfavourable outcome may be outbalanced by favourable energies from other terms, and even a copy attempt net unfavourable energy (deltaH > 0) may succeed with a success chance P = exp(-DeltaH/T).

See the subclasses SoftConstraint and HardConstraint for details. Each implemented constraint is in turn a subclass of one of these two.

Constructor Summary

Public Constructor
public abstract

The constructor of a constraint takes a configuration object.

Member Summary

Public Members


CPM on which this constraint acts.

public get abstract

This method is actually implemented in the subclass.

public set


This function attaches the relevant CPM to this constraint, so that information about this cpm can be requested from the constraint.


Configuration object for this constraint.

public get

Get the parameters of this constraint from the conf object.

Method Summary

Public Methods
public abstract

cellParameter(param: string, cid: CellId): any

Get a cellid or cellkind-specific parameter for a constraint.

public abstract

The optional confChecker method should verify that all the required conf parameters are actually present in the conf object and have the right format.


paramOfCell(param: string, cid: CellId): any

Get a cellId specific parameter, only used if CPMEvol is used: looks whether the requested parameter is overwritten in an @object Cell and otherwise returns @function paramOfKind


paramOfKind(param: string, cid: CellId): any

Returns a cellKind specfic variable: Assumes that the parameter is indexable by cellkind.

Public Constructors

public abstract constructor(conf: object) source

The constructor of a constraint takes a configuration object. This method is usually overwritten by the actual constraint so that the entries of this object can be documented.


conf object

configuration settings for this constraint, containing the relevant parameters.

Public Members

public C: CPM source

CPM on which this constraint acts.

public get abstract CONSTRAINT_TYPE source

This method is actually implemented in the subclass.

public set CPM(C: CPM) source

This function attaches the relevant CPM to this constraint, so that information about this cpm can be requested from the constraint. If the cpm is of type CPMEvol, the cellParameter call is redirected to check for CellId-specific parameters.


  • Check why some constraints overwrite this? Because that disables the automatic usage of a confChecker() when it is implemented.

public conf: object source

Configuration object for this constraint.

public get parameters: object: * source

Get the parameters of this constraint from the conf object.



conf - configuration settings for this constraint, containing the relevant parameters.

Public Methods

public abstract cellParameter(param: string, cid: CellId): any source

Get a cellid or cellkind-specific parameter for a constraint. This function is here to document its functionality, but it is always overwritten by the constructor (via "set CPM") to point to another function. This is normally @function paramOfKind, which retrieves the parameter from the conf object for the current cellKind. If CPMEvol is used this is instead redirected to @function paramOfCell, which looks whether the parameter is overwritten in an @object Cell and otherwise returns @function paramOfKind


param string

name of parameter in conf object

cid CellId

Cell Id of cell in question, if id-specific parameter is not present, cellkind of cid is used



parameter - the requested parameter

public abstract confChecker() source

The optional confChecker method should verify that all the required conf parameters are actually present in the conf object and have the right format. It is implemented in the subclass that specifies the actual constraint.

public paramOfCell(param: string, cid: CellId): any source

Get a cellId specific parameter, only used if CPMEvol is used: looks whether the requested parameter is overwritten in an @object Cell and otherwise returns @function paramOfKind


param string

name of parameter in conf object

cid CellId

Cell Id of cell in question, if id-specific parameter is not present, cellkind of cid is used



parameter - the requested parameter

public paramOfKind(param: string, cid: CellId): any source

Returns a cellKind specfic variable: Assumes that the parameter is indexable by cellkind.


param string

name of parameter in conf object

cid CellId

Cell Id of cell in question, if id-specific parameter is not present, cellkind of cid is used



parameter - the requested parameter