/** Rigorous tests for Grid2D-specific methods. See GridExtensionSpec.js for
* more general tests.
* @test {Grid2D}*/
describe("Grid2D", function () {
let CPM = require("../../build/artistoo-cjs.js")
//eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
let grid2d, grid2dFloat, allPixelArray, simpleNeumanni, randomPixel,
samplePixels, borderPixelSample
let setupGrids = function(){
grid2d = new CPM.Grid2D([100, 131])
grid2dFloat = new CPM.Grid2D([200, 100], [false,false], "Float32" )
beforeEach(function () {
allPixelArray = []
for( let x = 0; x < grid2d.extents[0]; x++ ){
for( let y = 0; y < grid2d.extents[1]; y++){
allPixelArray.push( [x,y] )
// Return a random pixel
randomPixel = function( gridObject ) {
let p = []
for( let d=0; d < gridObject.ndim; d++ ){
p.push( Math.round( Math.random()*( gridObject.extents[d]-1 ) ) )
return p
// Return a sample of pixels
samplePixels = function( gridObject, n ){
let pixelArray = []
for( let i = 0; i < n; i++ ){
pixelArray.push( randomPixel(gridObject) )
return pixelArray
// Return some border pixels on the grid to check torus handling
borderPixelSample = function( gridObject ){
let borderPixels = []
borderPixels.push( [0,0] )
borderPixels.push( [gridObject.extents[0]-1, 0 ] )
borderPixels.push( [0, gridObject.extents[1]-1 ] )
borderPixels.push( [gridObject.extents[0]-1, gridObject.extents[1]-1 ] )
borderPixels.push( [0,gridObject.midpoint[1]] )
borderPixels.push( [gridObject.midpoint[0],0] )
borderPixels.push( [gridObject.extents[0]-1,gridObject.midpoint[1] ] )
borderPixels.push( [gridObject.midpoint[0],gridObject.extents[1]-1 ] )
return borderPixels
// A simple function for the neumann neighborhood is used for testing.
simpleNeumanni = function* (i, grid){
let p = grid.i2p(i), x = p[0], y = p[1]
// left
let l = [ x-1, y ]
if( l[0] >= 0 ){
yield grid.p2i(l)
} else {
if( grid.torus[0] ){
l[0] += grid.extents[0]
yield grid.p2i(l)
// right
let r = [x+1,y]
if( r[0] < grid.extents[0] ){
yield grid.p2i(r)
} else {
if( grid.torus[0] ){
r[0] -= grid.extents[0]
yield grid.p2i(r)
// top
let t = [ x, y-1 ]
if( t[1] >= 0 ){
yield grid.p2i(t)
} else {
if( grid.torus[1] ){
t[1] += grid.extents[1]
yield grid.p2i(t)
// bottom
let b = [x,y+1]
if( b[1] < grid.extents[1] ){
yield grid.p2i(b)
} else {
if( grid.torus[1] ){
b[1] -= grid.extents[1]
yield grid.p2i(b)
describe( " [ unit tests ] ", function () {
/** @test {Grid2D#pixelsi} */
it( "pixelsi generator reports correct IndexCoordinates", function(){
let k = 0
for( let i of grid2d.pixelsi() ){
expect( grid2d.i2p(i) ).toEqual( allPixelArray[k] )
/** @test {Grid2D#neighi}
* @test {Grid2D#neighiSimple} */
it( "neighi method should return same results as neighiSimple", function(){
let checkNeighi = function( gridObject ){
// Test neighi for a sample of pixels on the grid.
for( let pix of samplePixels( gridObject, 100 ) ){
const i = gridObject.p2i( pix )
let neigh1 = gridObject.neighiSimple( i )
let neigh2 = gridObject.neighi( i )
expect( neigh1.sort() ).toEqual( neigh2.sort() )
// Specifically check some pixels at the borders as well
for( let p of borderPixelSample( gridObject ) ){
const i = gridObject.p2i( p )
let neigh1 = gridObject.neighiSimple( i )
let neigh2 = gridObject.neighi( i )
expect( neigh1.sort() ).toEqual( neigh2.sort() )
checkNeighi( grid2d )
checkNeighi( grid2dFloat )
/** @test {Grid2D#neighi}*/
describe( "neighi method should return correct neighbors for specific cases: ", function(){
let checkExpected = function( gridObject, p, torus, expectedNbh ){
const nbh = gridObject.neighi( gridObject.p2i(p), torus )
const expectedNbh2 = expectedNbh.map( function(p) {
return gridObject.p2i(p)
} )
expect( nbh.length ).toEqual( expectedNbh2.length )
expect( nbh.sort() ).toEqual( expectedNbh2.sort() )
// Check if neighborhoods are correct for different torus settings,
// for all four corners of a gridObject.
let checkNeighi = function( gridObject ) {
const xMax = gridObject.extents[0] - 1, yMax = gridObject.extents[1] - 1
it("...corner [0,0] ", function () {
// case 1: corner point [0,0]
checkExpected(gridObject, [0, 0], [false, false],
[[0, 1], [1, 1], [1, 0]])
checkExpected(gridObject, [0, 0], [false, true],
[[0, 1], [1, 1], [1, 0], [0, yMax], [1, yMax]])
checkExpected(gridObject, [0, 0], [true, false],
[[0, 1], [1, 1], [1, 0], [xMax, 0], [xMax, 1]])
checkExpected(gridObject, [0, 0], [true, true],
[[0, 1], [1, 1], [1, 0],
[xMax, 0], [xMax, 1], [0, yMax], [1, yMax], [xMax, yMax]])
it("...corner [xMax,0] ", function () {
// case 2 : corner point [xMax,0]
checkExpected( gridObject, [xMax, 0], [false, false],
[[xMax - 1, 0], [xMax - 1, 1], [xMax, 1]])
checkExpected( gridObject, [xMax,0], [false,true],
[ [xMax - 1, 0], [xMax - 1, 1], [xMax, 1],
[xMax-1,yMax], [xMax,yMax] ] )
checkExpected( gridObject, [xMax,0], [true,false],
[ [xMax - 1, 0], [xMax - 1, 1], [xMax, 1],
[0,0], [0,1] ] )
checkExpected( gridObject, [xMax,0], [true,true],
[ [xMax - 1, 0], [xMax - 1, 1], [xMax, 1],
[0,0], [0,1], [xMax-1,yMax], [xMax,yMax], [0,yMax] ] )
it("...corner [0,yMax] ", function () {
checkExpected( gridObject, [0,yMax], [false, false],
[[0, yMax-1], [1,yMax], [1,yMax-1]])
checkExpected( gridObject, [0,yMax], [false,true],
[ [0, yMax-1], [1,yMax], [1,yMax-1],
[0,0], [1,0] ] )
checkExpected( gridObject, [0,yMax], [true,false],
[ [0, yMax-1], [1,yMax], [1,yMax-1],
[xMax,yMax], [xMax,yMax-1] ] )
checkExpected( gridObject, [0,yMax], [true,true],
[ [0, yMax-1], [1,yMax], [1,yMax-1],
[0,0], [1,0], [xMax,yMax-1], [xMax,yMax], [xMax,0] ] )
it("...corner [xMax,yMax] ", function () {
checkExpected( gridObject, [xMax,yMax], [false, false],
[[xMax, yMax-1], [xMax-1,yMax], [xMax-1,yMax-1]])
checkExpected( gridObject, [xMax,yMax], [false, true],
[[xMax, yMax-1], [xMax-1,yMax], [xMax-1,yMax-1],
[xMax,0], [xMax-1,0] ] )
checkExpected( gridObject, [xMax,yMax], [true,false],
[[xMax, yMax-1], [xMax-1,yMax], [xMax-1,yMax-1],
[0,yMax], [0,yMax-1] ] )
checkExpected( gridObject, [xMax,yMax], [true,true],
[[xMax, yMax-1], [xMax-1,yMax], [xMax-1,yMax-1],
[0,yMax], [0,yMax-1], [xMax,0], [xMax-1,0], [0,0] ] )
checkNeighi( grid2d )
checkNeighi( grid2dFloat )
/** @test {Grid2D#neighNeumanni} */
it( "neighNeumanni method should return correct neighbors", function(){
let checkNeumanni = function( gridObject ){
// test neighborhood of 100 random pixels
for( let pix of samplePixels( gridObject, 100 ) ){
const i = gridObject.p2i( pix )
let arr1=[], arr2=[]
for( let n of gridObject.neighNeumanni(i) ){ arr1.push(n) }
for( let n of simpleNeumanni(i,gridObject) ){ arr2.push(n) }
expect( arr1 ).toEqual( arr2 )
// Specifically check some pixels at the borders as well
for( let p of borderPixelSample( gridObject ) ){
const i = gridObject.p2i( p )
let arr1=[], arr2=[]
for( let n of gridObject.neighNeumanni(i) ){ arr1.push(n) }
for( let n of simpleNeumanni(i,gridObject) ){ arr2.push(n) }
expect( arr1 ).toEqual( arr2 )
checkNeumanni( grid2d )
checkNeumanni( grid2dFloat )
/** @test {Grid2D#neighNeumanni}*/
describe( "neighNeumanni method should return correct neighbors for specific cases: ", function(){
let checkExpected = function( gridObject, p, torus, expectedNbh ){
let nbh = []
for( let n of gridObject.neighNeumanni( gridObject.p2i(p), torus ) ){
nbh.push( n )
const expectedNbh2 = expectedNbh.map( function(p) {
return gridObject.p2i(p)
} )
expect( nbh.length ).toEqual( expectedNbh2.length )
expect( nbh.sort() ).toEqual( expectedNbh2.sort() )
// Check if neighborhoods are correct for different torus settings,
// for all four corners of a gridObject.
let checkNeighNeumanni = function( gridObject ) {
const xMax = gridObject.extents[0] - 1, yMax = gridObject.extents[1] - 1
it("...corner [0,0] ", function () {
// case 1: corner point [0,0]
checkExpected(gridObject, [0, 0], [false, false],
[[0, 1], [1, 0]])
checkExpected(gridObject, [0, 0], [false, true],
[[0, 1], [1, 0], [0, yMax] ])
checkExpected(gridObject, [0, 0], [true, false],
[[0, 1], [1, 0], [xMax, 0] ])
checkExpected(gridObject, [0, 0], [true, true],
[[0, 1], [1, 0], [xMax, 0], [0, yMax] ])
it("...corner [xMax,0] ", function () {
// case 2 : corner point [xMax,0]
checkExpected( gridObject, [xMax, 0], [false, false],
[[xMax - 1, 0], [xMax, 1]])
checkExpected( gridObject, [xMax,0], [false,true],
[ [xMax - 1, 0], [xMax, 1], [xMax,yMax] ] )
checkExpected( gridObject, [xMax,0], [true,false],
[ [xMax - 1, 0], [xMax, 1], [0,0] ] )
checkExpected( gridObject, [xMax,0], [true,true],
[ [xMax - 1, 0], [xMax, 1], [0,0], [xMax,yMax] ] )
it("...corner [0,yMax] ", function () {
checkExpected( gridObject, [0,yMax], [false, false],
[[0, yMax-1], [1,yMax] ])
checkExpected( gridObject, [0,yMax], [false,true],
[ [0, yMax-1], [1,yMax], [0,0] ] )
checkExpected( gridObject, [0,yMax], [true,false],
[ [0, yMax-1], [1,yMax], [xMax,yMax] ] )
checkExpected( gridObject, [0,yMax], [true,true],
[ [0, yMax-1], [1,yMax], [0,0], [xMax,yMax] ] )
it("...corner [xMax,yMax] ", function () {
checkExpected( gridObject, [xMax,yMax], [false, false],
[[xMax, yMax-1], [xMax-1,yMax] ])
checkExpected( gridObject, [xMax,yMax], [false, true],
[[xMax, yMax-1], [xMax-1,yMax], [xMax,0] ] )
checkExpected( gridObject, [xMax,yMax], [true,false],
[[xMax, yMax-1], [xMax-1,yMax], [0,yMax] ] )
checkExpected( gridObject, [xMax,yMax], [true,true],
[[xMax, yMax-1], [xMax-1,yMax],
[0,yMax], [xMax,0] ] )
checkNeighNeumanni( grid2d )
checkNeighNeumanni( grid2dFloat )
/** @test {Grid2D#gradienti} */
it( "gradienti method should return correct gradients", function(){
let simpleGradienti = function(i, grid){
let p = grid.i2p(i)
let vi = grid.pixti(i), dx, dy
let nbh = []
for( let n of simpleNeumanni(i,grid) ){
let xNeighbors = [NaN, NaN]
let yNeighbors = [NaN, NaN]
// check which neighbors there are
for( let n of nbh ){
let pn = grid.i2p(n)
// x neighbors
if( pn[1] === p[1] ){
if( pn[0] < p[0] ){
xNeighbors[0] = n
} else {
xNeighbors[1] = n
// y neighbors
if( pn[0] === p[0] ){
if( pn[1] < p[1]){
yNeighbors[0] = n
} else {
yNeighbors[1] = n
// this shouldn't happen.
if( isNaN( xNeighbors[0] ) && isNaN(xNeighbors[1] ) ){
throw( "no x neighbors found!")
if( isNaN( yNeighbors[0] ) && isNaN(yNeighbors[1] ) ){
throw( "no y neighbors found!")
// compute gradients
let grad = function( nArr ){
if( isNaN( nArr[0] ) ){
return grid.pixti(nArr[1]) - vi
if( isNaN( nArr[1] ) ){
return vi - grid.pixti(nArr[0])
return ( ( grid.pixti(nArr[1]) - vi ) + ( vi - grid.pixti(nArr[0]) ) )/2
dx = grad( xNeighbors )
dy = grad( yNeighbors )
return [dx,dy]
let checkGradienti = function( gridObject ){
// set some random values on the float grid
for( let i of gridObject.pixelsi() ){
gridObject.setpixi( i, Math.random()*1000 )
// test neighborhood of 100 random pixels
for( let pix of samplePixels( gridObject, 100 ) ){
const i = gridObject.p2i( pix )
expect( gridObject.gradienti(i) ).toEqual( simpleGradienti(i,gridObject) )
// Specifically check some pixels at the borders as well
for( let p of borderPixelSample( gridObject ) ){
const i = gridObject.p2i( p )
expect( gridObject.gradienti(i) ).toEqual( simpleGradienti(i,gridObject) )
checkGradienti( grid2dFloat )