/** Some tests for drawing methods in the Canvas class.
* @test {Canvas}*/
describe("Canvas", function () {
let CPM = require("../build/artistoo-cjs.js")
let cpm, ca, cpmCanvas, caCanvas, cpmGM
let rgbToHex = function ( rgbArray ) {
let totalString = ""
for( let i = 0; i < 3; i++ ){
let hex = Number(rgbArray[i] ).toString(16)
if (hex.length < 2) {
hex = "0" + hex
totalString += hex
return totalString
function getPixelOnCanvas( p, canvas ){
const dy = canvas.zoom*canvas.width
const off = (p[1]*dy + p[0])*4
let rgb = [ canvas.px[off], canvas.px[off+1], canvas.px[off+2] ]
return rgbToHex( rgb ).toUpperCase()
beforeEach( function() {
// Build a cpm and a ca
cpm = new CPM.CPM( [200,200], [true,true],
{ T:20,
J : [[0,20],[20,0]],
V : [0,100],
} )
ca = new CPM.CA( [100,100], {
* @return {number}
"UPDATE_RULE": function(p,N){
let nAlive = 0
for( let pn of N ){
nAlive += (this.pixt(pn)===1)
if( this.pixt(p) === 1 ){
if( nAlive === 2 || nAlive === 3 ){
return 1
} else {
if( nAlive === 3 ) return 1
return 0
// initialize the canvas and grid manipulators
cpmCanvas = new CPM.Canvas( cpm, {zoom:1} )
caCanvas = new CPM.Canvas( ca, {zoom:1} )
cpmGM = new CPM.GridManipulator( cpm )
// initialize the grids somehow
cpmGM.seedCell(1 )
ca.setpix( [0,0], 1 )
ca.setpix( [0,1], 1 )
ca.setpix( [0,2], 2 )
it( "drawCells should draw cells on CPM", function(){
// draw cellkind 1 in red
// check that the pixels are indeed red
let cp = cpm.getStat( CPM.PixelsByCell )
for( let p of cp[1] ){
expect( getPixelOnCanvas( p, cpmCanvas ) ).toEqual( "FF0000" )
it( "drawCells should draw cells on CA", function(){
// check that the pixels are indeed black
expect( getPixelOnCanvas( [0,0], caCanvas ) ).toEqual( "FF0000" )
// check that other pixels are not colored
expect( getPixelOnCanvas( [2,2], caCanvas ) ).not.toEqual( "00FF00")
it( "drawOnCellBorders should draw borders on CPM", function(){
// draw cellkind 1 in red
// check that the pixels are indeed red
let cp = cpm.getStat( CPM.BorderPixelsByCell )
for( let p of cp[1] ){
expect( getPixelOnCanvas( p, cpmCanvas ) ).toEqual( "00FF00" )
it( "drawOnCellBorders should draw borders on CA", function(){
// check that the pixels are indeed colored
expect( getPixelOnCanvas( [0,0], caCanvas ) ).toEqual( "00FF00" )
// check that other pixels are not colored
expect( getPixelOnCanvas( [2,2], caCanvas ) ).not.toEqual( "00FF00")
it( "drawCellBorders should work on CPM and CA", function(){
expect( function() { cpmCanvas.drawCellBorders(1,"00FF00") } ).not.toThrow()
expect( function(){ caCanvas.drawCellBorders(1,"00FF00") } ).not.toThrow()