Your First Simulation

This tutorial will show you how to build a simple simulation in the web browser or in a Node.js script. Choose either Set up a simulation in the web browser or Set up a simulation in Node.js required template code, and then see Writing your simulation to start using Artistoo in the environment of your choice.

The simulation we will build is a simple CPM cell:

Set up a simulation in the web browser

One way to use Artistoo is to build a simulation in HTML, to open directly in your favourite web browser (as long as that favourite web browser is not Internet Explorer). The advantage of this method is that it allows you to visualize the simulation immediately, and that you can easily explore the effect of changing parameters in this manner. However, if you wish to run a simulation and store output to your computer, a simulation using Node.js may be more appropriate — see Set up a simulation in Node.js for details.

An HTML template page

Unfortunately, writing an HTML page requires quite some boilerplate code. You can mostly just copy-paste this for every simulation you build. For now, we will just copy-paste the following template so you can continue with building your simulation. If you are unfamiliar with HTML, you may want to check out this tutorial later — it will guide you through the template step by step so you know which parts you may have to adapt.

<!-- Page setup and title -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
<style type="text/css"> 
    font-family: "HelveticaNeue-Light", sans-serif; padding : 15px;

<!-- Sourcing the cpm build -->
<script src="../../build/artistoo.js"></script>
"use strict"

            // Simulation code here.

<body onload="initialize()">
<h1>Your Page Title</h1>
Description of your page.

Copy the above code into a file called MyFirstSimulation.html, which you can save in the artistoo/examples/html/ folder for now.

! Important: If you wish to save the file elsewhere, please read these instructions first, and ensure that you include the correct path to the cpm build in the part <script src="../../build/artistoo.js"></script>.

You can now proceed with adding your simulation to this file.

Set up a simulation in Node.js

Another way to use Artistoo — besides using HTML — is to use Node.js from the console. This method of running Artistoo allows you to print statistics to the console and store them in external files, as well as to save images of the simulation to create a movie later. To set up a more interactive version of your simulation with a live animation, an HTML version may be more appropriate — see Set up a simulation in the web browser.

In contrast to a browser simulation, a Node.js simulation requires almost no boilerplate code.

To set up your first node simulation, just create a file `MyFirstSimulation.js` in the folder artistoo/examples/node/ (or see these instructions) to create it elsewhere). Then add the following line of code to the (still empty) script to source the package:

/* Source the CPM module (cpm-cjs version because this is a node script).*/
let CPM = require("../../build/artistoo-cjs.js")

Make sure that the path supplied to require() is the correct path from the location of MyFirstSimulation.js to artistoo/build/artistoo-cjs.js.

You can now proceed with adding your simulation.

Writing your simulation

We are now ready to add some simulation code. The following code goes either in between the <script></script> tags of your HTML page (see the comment // Simulation code here), or at the bottom of your node script.

The easiest way to build a simulation in Artistoo is to use the Simulation class. This class provides some default methods for running the simulation and producing outputs, so we won't have to worry about this yet.

Step 1 : Configure the CPM & Simulation

The first thing we need to do is supply a config object with all the required parameters and settings for the simulation. A configuration object for a simulation should look something like this:

let config = {

	ndim : 2,
	field_size : [50,50],
	conf : {

	simsettings : {

Here, ndim is the number of dimensions of the grid, field_size is the number of pixels in each dimension (in this case: 50 x 50 pixels), conf is the configuration object parsed to the CPM class, and simsettings contains configuration options used directly by the simulation class.

First, we configure the CPM by setting values in the conf object:

conf : {
	T : 20,			// CPM temperature
	// Adhesion parameters:
	J: [[0,20], [20,100]] ,
	// VolumeConstraint parameters
	LAMBDA_V : [0,50],	// VolumeConstraint importance per cellkind
	V : [0,500]		// Target volume of each cellkind

The T parameter is the CPM temperature, which determines how strongly the model "listens" to the energy constraints given in the CPM. We then add an adhesion and volume constraint by supplying their parameters. In this case, we will have only one type of cell and the background, so parameters are arrays of length 2 (or a 2 by 2 matrix for the adhesion parameters).

Finally, we need to supply some settings for the simulation class itself in simsettings:

simsettings : {
	NRCELLS : [1],
	RUNTIME : 500,
	CANVASCOLOR : "eaecef",
	zoom : 4

This ensures that one cell is seeded on the grid before the simulation, the simulation runs for 500 MCS (in Node.js; in the browser it will just keep running), the background of the grid is colored gray, and the grid is drawn at 4x zoom.

The full config object becomes:

let config = {

	// Grid settings
	ndim : 2,
	field_size : [100,100],
	// CPM parameters and configuration
	conf : {
		T : 20,			// CPM temperature
		// Adhesion parameters:
		J: [[0,20], [20,100]] ,
		// VolumeConstraint parameters
		LAMBDA_V : [0,50],	// VolumeConstraint importance per cellkind
		V : [0,500]		// Target volume of each cellkind
	// Simulation setup and configuration
	simsettings : {
		// Cells on the grid
		NRCELLS : [1],		// Number of cells to seed for all
					// non-background cellkinds.
		RUNTIME : 500,                // Only used in node
		CANVASCOLOR : "eaecef",
		zoom : 4		// zoom in on canvas with this factor.

Step 2: Create a simulation object

Once we have the configuration object, we can use it to construct a simulation.

In Node.js

In Node.js, simply construct the simulation as follows:
let sim = new CPM.Simulation( config )


If you are writing an HTML page, you have to define an initialize() function — as this is the function that will be run when the page is loaded (see this section):

let sim
function initialize(){
    sim = new CPM.Simulation( config )

Step 3 : Tell the simulation to run

We are now almost ready; the only thing still missing is a command in the script that tells the simulation to start running. This works slightly differently in the browser- and Node.js versions.

In Node.js

In Node.js, getting the simulation to run is easy: just call the run() method of the simulation class after creating the simulation object. We get:

let config = {
let sim = new CPM.Simulation( config )

You are now ready to run your simulation. From your console, run the script with node:

node path/to/MyFirstSimulation.js


In HTML, we create a function that runs a single step, and then make sure that this function is called from the initialize() function:

let config = {
let sim
function initialize(){
    sim = new CPM.Simulation( config )
function step(){
    requestAnimationFrame( step )

To see your simulation, open your file MyFirstSimulation.html in the web browser (any except Internet Explorer; but we recommend Chrome because it is fast).