import PixelsByCell from "../stats/PixelsByCell.js"
import CentroidsWithTorusCorrection from "../stats/CentroidsWithTorusCorrection.js"
import Centroids from "../stats/Centroids.js"
import Grid2D from "./Grid2D.js"
import Grid3D from "./Grid3D.js"
/** This class contains methods that should be executed once per
* Monte Carlo Step. Examples are cell division, cell death etc.
* It also contains methods to seed new cells in certain shapes and
* configurations. Methods are written for CPMs, but some of the methods
* may also apply to other models of class ({@link GridBasedModel}, e.g.
* the cell seeding methods) or even a general grid ({@link Grid}, e.g.
* the {@link makeLine} and {@link assignCellPixels} methods).
* @example
* // Build CPM and attach a gridmanipulator
* let C = new CPM.CPM( [100,100], {T:20, J:[[0,20],[20,10]]} )
* let gm = new CPM.GridManipulator( C )
class GridManipulator {
/** Constructor of class GridManipulator.
* @param {CPM|GridBasedModel|Grid} C - the model whose grid
* you wish to manipulate.
* Methods are written for CPMs, but some of the methods may also
* apply to other models of class ({@link GridBasedModel}, e.g.
* the cell seeding methods) or even a general grid ({@link Grid}, e.g.
* the {@link makeLine} and {@link assignCellPixels} methods).
constructor( C ){
/** The model whose grid we are manipulating.
* @type {CPM|GridBasedModel|Grid}*/
this.C = C
/** @experimental
killCell( cellID ){
for( let [p,i] of this.C.pixels() ){
if( i == cellID ){
this.C.setpix( p, 0 )
// update stats
if ("PixelsByCell" in this.C.stat_values) {
delete this.C.stat_values["PixelsByCell"][cellID]
/** Seed a new cell at a random position. Return 0 if failed, ID of new
* cell otherwise.
* Try a specified number of times, then give up if grid is too full.
* The first cell will always be seeded at the midpoint of the grid.
* See also {@link seedCellAt} to seed a cell on a predefined position.
* @param {CellKind} kind - what kind of cell should be seeded? This
* determines the CPM parameters that will be used for that cell.
* @param {number} [max_attempts = 10000] - number of tries allowed. The
* method will attempt to seed a cell at a random position, but this will
* fail if the position is already occupied. After max_attempts fails,
* it will not try again. This can happen if the grid is very full.
* @return {CellId} - the {@link CellId} of the newly seeded cell, or 0
* if the seeding has failed.
* @example
* // Build CPM and attach a gridmanipulator
* let C = new CPM.CPM( [100,100], {T:20, J:[[0,20],[20,10]]} )
* let gm = new CPM.GridManipulator( C )
* // Seed some cells
* gm.seedCell( 1 )
* gm.seedCell( 1 )
* // Check which pixels are nonzero. One is always the grid midpoint.
* for( let p of C.pixels() ){
* console.log( p )
* }
seedCell( kind, max_attempts = 10000 ){
let p = this.C.midpoint
while( this.C.pixt( p ) !== 0 && max_attempts-- > 0 ){
for( let i = 0 ; i < p.length ; i ++ ){
p[i] = this.C.ran(0,this.C.extents[i]-1)
if( this.C.pixt(p) !== 0 ){
return 0 // failed
const newID = this.C.makeNewCellID( kind )
this.C.setpix( p, newID )
return newID
/** Seed a new cell of celltype "kind" onto position "p".
* This succeeds regardless of whether there is already a cell there.
* See also {@link seedCell} to seed a cell on a random position.
* @param {CellKind} kind - what kind of cell should be seeded?
* This determines the CPM parameters that will be used for that cell.
* @param {ArrayCoordinate} p - position to seed the cell at.
* @return {CellId} - the {@link CellId} of the newly seeded cell, or 0
* if the seeding has failed.
* @example
* // Build CPM and attach a gridmanipulator
* let C = new CPM.CPM( [100,100], {T:20, J:[[0,20],[20,10]]} )
* let gm = new CPM.GridManipulator( C )
* // Seed some cells
* gm.seedCellAt( 1, [2,4] )
* gm.seedCellAt( 1, [9,3] )
* // Check which pixels are nonzero. These should be the positions defined above.
* for( let p of C.pixels() ){
* console.log( p )
* }
seedCellAt( kind, p ){
const newid = this.C.makeNewCellID( kind )
this.C.setpix( p, newid )
return newid
/** Seed "n" cells of celltype "kind" at random points lying within a
* circle surrounding "center" with radius "radius".
* See also {@link seedCell} to seed a cell on a random position in
* the entire grid, and {@link seedCellAt} to seed a cell at a specific
* position.
* @param {CellKind} kind - what kind of cell should be seeded? This
* determines the CPM parameters that will be used for that cell.
* @param {number} n - the number of cells to seed (must be integer).
* @param {ArrayCoordinate} center - position on the grid where the center
* of the circle should be.
* @param {number} radius - the radius of the circle to seed cells in.
* @param {number} max_attempts - the maximum number of attempts to seed a
* cell. Seeding can fail if the randomly chosen position is outside the
* circle, or if there is already a cell there. After max_attempts the
* method will stop trying and throw an error.
* @example
* // Build CPM and attach a gridmanipulator
* let C = new CPM.CPM( [100,100], {T:20, J:[[0,20],[20,10]]} )
* let gm = new CPM.GridManipulator( C )
* // Seed cells within a circle
* gm.seedCellsInCircle( 1, 10, [50,30], 20 )
* // Check which pixels are nonzero. These should be within the circle.
* for( let p of C.pixels() ){
* console.log( p )
* }
seedCellsInCircle( kind, n, center, radius, max_attempts = 10000 ){
if( !max_attempts ){
max_attempts = 10*n
let C = this.C
while( n > 0 ){
if( --max_attempts === 0 ){
throw("too many attempts to seed cells!")
let p = function(i){ return C.ran(Math.ceil(i-radius),Math.floor(i+radius)) } )
let d = 0
for( let i = 0 ; i < p.length ; i ++ ){
d += (p[i]-center[i])*(p[i]-center[i])
if( d < radius*radius && this.C.pixt(p) == 0 ){
this.seedCellAt( kind, p )
/** Helper method to return an entire plane or line of pixels; can be used
* in conjunction with {@link assignCellPixels} to assign all these pixels
* to a given CellId at once. (See also {@link makeBox} and
* {@link makeCircle}).
* The method takes an existing array of coordinates (which can be
* empty) and adds the pixels of the specified plane to it.
* See {@link assignCellPixels} for a method that sets such a pixel set to a
* new value.
* The plane is specified by fixing one coordinate (x,y,or z) to a
* fixed value, and letting the others range from their min value 0 to
* their max value. In 3D, this returns a plane.
* @param {number} dimension - the dimension to fix the coordinate of:
* 0 = x, 1 = y, 2 = z. (E.g. for a straight vertical line, we fix the
* x-coordinate).
* @param {number} coordinateValue - the value of the coordinate in the
* fixed dimension; location of the plane. (E.g. for our straight vertical
* line, the x-value where the line should be placed).
* @param {ArrayCoordinate[]} [pixels] - (Optional) existing array of pixels;
* if given, the line will be added to this set.
* @return {ArrayCoordinate[]} the updated array of pixels.
* @example
* let C = new CPM.CPM( [10,10], {T:20, J:[[0,20],[20,10]]} )
* let gm = new CPM.GridManipulator( C )
* let myLine = gm.makeLine( 0, 2 )
* gm.assignCellPixels( myLine, 1 )
makeLine ( dimension, coordinateValue, pixels ) {
pixels = pixels || []
let x,y,z
let minC = [0,0,0]
let maxC = [0,0,0]
for( let dim = 0; dim < this.C.ndim; dim++ ){
maxC[dim] = this.C.extents[dim]-1
minC[dimension] = coordinateValue
maxC[dimension] = coordinateValue
// For every coordinate x,y,z, loop over all possible values from min to max.
// one of these loops will have only one iteration because min = max = coordvalue.
for( x = minC[0]; x <= maxC[0]; x++ ){
for( y = minC[1]; y<=maxC[1]; y++ ){
for( z = minC[2]; z<=maxC[2]; z++ ){
if( this.C.ndim === 3 ){
pixels.push( [x,y,z] )
} else {
pixels.push( [x,y] )
return pixels
/** Deprecated method, please use {@link makeLine} instead. Old method
* just links to the new method for backwards-compatibility.
* @param {number} dim - the dimension to fix the coordinate of:
* 0 = x, 1 = y, 2 = z. (E.g. for a straight vertical line, we fix the
* x-coordinate).
* @param {number} coordinateValue - the value of the coordinate in the
* fixed dimension; location of the plane. (E.g. for our straight vertical
* line, the x-value where the line should be placed).
* @param {ArrayCoordinate[]} [pixels] - (Optional) existing array of pixels;
* if given, the line will be added to this set.
* @return {ArrayCoordinate[]} the updated array of pixels.
makePlane( pixels, dim, coordinateValue ){
return this.makeLine( dim, coordinateValue, pixels )
/** Helper method to return a rectangle (or in 3D: box) of pixels; can be used
* in conjunction with {@link assignCellPixels} to assign all these pixels
* to a given CellId at once. (See also {@link makeLine} and
* {@link makeCircle}).
* The method takes an existing array of coordinates (which can be
* empty) and adds the pixels of the specified rectangle/box to it.
* See {@link assignCellPixels} for a method that sets such a pixel set to a
* new value.
* The box/rectangle is specified by its bottom left corner (x,y,z)
* and size (dx, dy, dz).
* @param {ArrayCoordinate[]} bottomLeft - the coordinate of the bottom
* left corner of the rectangle/box.
* @param {number[]} boxSize - the size of the rectangle in each dimension:
* [dx,dy,dz].
* @param {ArrayCoordinate[]} [pixels] - (Optional) existing array of pixels;
* if given, the line will be added to this set.
* @return {ArrayCoordinate[]} the updated array of pixels.
* @example
* let C = new CPM.CPM( [10,10], {T:20, J:[[0,20],[20,10]]} )
* let gm = new CPM.GridManipulator( C )
* let rect = gm.makeBox( [50,50], [10,10] )
* gm.assignCellPixels( rect, 1 )
makeBox( bottomLeft, boxSize, pixels ){
// this array will contain all positions in the circle (/sphere)
// for radius = 1, just return the array with a single element:
// the center pixel
pixels = pixels || []
// check that box dimensions do not exceed dimensions of the grid
for( let d = 0; d < this.C.grid.ndim; d++ ){
if( boxSize[d] > this.C.grid.extents[d] ){
throw( "GridManipulator.makeBox: You are trying to make a " +
"box that exceeds grid dimensions!" )
// find pixels inside the box, and correct them for torus if required
const p = bottomLeft
for( let xx = 0; xx < boxSize[0]; xx++ ){
for( let yy = 0; yy < boxSize[1]; yy++ ){
let pNew = [p[0]+xx,p[1]+yy]
if( this.C.grid.ndim === 3 ){
for( let zz = 0; zz <= boxSize[2]; zz++ ){
// correct for torus
const pCorr = this.C.grid.correctPosition( pNew )
if( typeof pCorr !== "undefined" ){ pixels.push( pCorr ) }
} else {
const pCorr = this.C.grid.correctPosition( pNew )
if( typeof pCorr !== "undefined" ){ pixels.push( pCorr ) }
return pixels
/** Helper method to return a circle (in 3D: sphere) of pixels; can be used
* in conjunction with {@link assignCellPixels} to assign all these pixels
* to a given CellId at once. (See also {@link makeLine} and
* {@link makeBox}).
* The method takes an existing array of coordinates (which can be
* empty) and adds the pixels of the specified circle/sphere to it.
* See {@link assignCellPixels} for a method that sets such a pixel set to a
* new value.
* The circle/sphere is specified by its center (x,y,z)
* and radius.
* @param {ArrayCoordinate[]} center - the coordinate of the center
* of the circle/sphere.
* @param {number} radius - the radius of the circle/sphere.
* @param {ArrayCoordinate[]} [pixels] - (Optional) existing array of pixels;
* if given, the circle/sphere pixels will be added to this set.
* @return {ArrayCoordinate[]} the updated array of pixels.
* @example
* let C = new CPM.CPM( [10,10], {T:20, J:[[0,20],[20,10]]} )
* let gm = new CPM.GridManipulator( C )
* let circ = gm.makeCircle( [50,50], 10 )
* gm.assignCellPixels( circ, 1 )
makeCircle( center, radius, pixels = [] ){
// the positions to return depends on the Grid geometry. currently support only
// square 2D/3D lattices.
if( !( this.C.grid instanceof Grid2D ) && !( this.C.grid instanceof Grid3D ) ){
throw( "In makeCircle: radius > 1 only supported for grids of " +
"class Grid2D or Grid3D. Please set radius=1 to continue." )
// find the pixels inside the radius
const p = center
for( let xx = -radius; xx <= radius; xx++ ){
for( let yy = -radius; yy <= radius; yy++ ){
let pNew = [p[0]+xx,p[1]+yy]
if( this.C.grid.ndim === 3 ){
for( let zz = - radius; zz <= radius; zz++ ){
if( Math.sqrt( xx*xx + yy*yy + zz*zz ) <= radius ){
const pCorr = this.C.grid.correctPosition( pNew )
if( typeof pCorr !== "undefined" ){ pixels.push( pCorr ) }
} else {
if( Math.sqrt( xx*xx + yy*yy ) <= radius ){
const pCorr = this.C.grid.correctPosition( pNew )
if( typeof pCorr !== "undefined" ){ pixels.push( pCorr ) }
return pixels
/** Helper method that assigns all pixels in a given array to a
* cell of a given cellkind: changes the pixels defined by voxels
* (array of coordinates p) into the given cellKind and a corresponding
* cellID.
* @param {ArrayCoordinate[]} voxels - Array of pixels to change.
* @param {CellKind} cellkind - cellkind to change these pixels into.
* @param {CellId} [newID] - (Optional) id of the cell to assign the
* pixels to; if this is unspecified, a new cellID is generated for this
* purpose.
* @example
* let C = new CPM.CPM( [10,10], {T:20, J:[[0,20],[20,10]]} )
* let gm = new CPM.GridManipulator( C )
* let myLine = gm.makeLine( 0, 2 )
* gm.assignCellPixels( myLine, 1 )
assignCellPixels ( voxels, cellkind, newID ){
newID = newID || this.C.makeNewCellID( cellkind )
for( let p of voxels ){
this.C.setpix( p, newID )
/** Abrogated; this is now {@link assignCellPixels}. **/
changeKind( voxels, cellkind, newid ){
this.assignCellPixels( voxels, cellkind, newid )
/** Let cell "id" divide by splitting it along a line perpendicular to
* its major axis.
@param {CellId} id - the id of the cell that needs to divide.
@return {CellId} the id of the newly generated daughter cell.
* let C = new CPM.CPM( [10,10], {
* T:20,
* J:[[0,20],[20,10]],
* V:[0,200],
* LAMBDA_V:[0,2]
* })
* let gm = new CPM.GridManipulator( C )
* // Seed a single cell
* gm.seedCell( 1 )
* // Perform some Monte Carlo Steps before dividing the cell
* for( let t = 0; t < 100; t++ ){
* C.timeStep()
* }
* gm.divideCell( 1 )
* // Check which pixels belong to which cell. Should be roughly half half.
* C.getStat( PixelsByCell )
divideCell( id ){
let C = this.C
let torus = C.conf.torus.indexOf(true) >= 0
if( C.ndim != 2 || torus ){
throw("The divideCell methods is only implemented for 2D non-torus lattices yet!")
let cp = C.getStat( PixelsByCell )[id], com = C.getStat( Centroids )[id]
let bxx = 0, bxy = 0, byy=0, cx, cy, x2, y2, side, T, D, x0, y0, x1, y1, L2
// Loop over the pixels belonging to this cell
for( let j = 0 ; j < cp.length ; j ++ ){
cx = cp[j][0] - com[0] // x position rel to centroid
cy = cp[j][1] - com[1] // y position rel to centroid
// sum of squared distances:
bxx += cx*cx
bxy += cx*cy
byy += cy*cy
// This code computes a "dividing line", which is perpendicular to the longest
// axis of the cell.
if( bxy == 0 ){
x0 = 0
y0 = 0
x1 = 1
y1 = 0
} else {
T = bxx + byy
D = bxx*byy - bxy*bxy
//L1 = T/2 + Math.sqrt(T*T/4 - D)
L2 = T/2 - Math.sqrt(T*T/4 - D)
x0 = 0
y0 = 0
x1 = L2 - byy
y1 = bxy
// console.log( id )
// create a new ID for the second cell
let nid = C.makeNewCellID( C.cellKind( id ))
if (C.hasOwnProperty("cells")){
C.birth( nid, id )
// Loop over the pixels belonging to this cell
//let sidea = 0, sideb = 0
//let pix_id = []
//let pix_nid = []
//let sidea = 0, sideb=0
for( let j = 0 ; j < cp.length ; j ++ ){
// coordinates of current cell relative to center of mass
x2 = cp[j][0]-com[0]
y2 = cp[j][1]-com[1]
// Depending on which side of the dividing line this pixel is,
// set it to the new type
side = (x1 - x0)*(y2 - y0) - (x2 - x0)*(y1 - y0)
if( side > 0 ){
C.setpix( cp[j], nid )
// console.log( cp[j] + " " + C.cellKind( id ) )
//pix_nid.push( cp[j] )
} else {
//pix_id.push( cp[j] )
//console.log( "3 " + C.cellKind( id ) )
//cp[id] = pix_id
//cp[nid] = pix_nid
C.stat_values = {} // remove cached stats or this will crash!!!
return nid
/** @experimental
* Let cell "id" divide by splitting it along a line perpendicular to
* its major axis, with Torus enabled. Watch out that this can give
* rise to weird artefacts when cells span more than half the grid in
* a wrapped direction.
@param {CellId} id - the id of the cell that needs to divide.
@return {CellId} the id of the newly generated daughter cell.
* let C = new CPM.CPM( [10,10], {
* T:20,
* J:[[0,20],[20,10]],
* V:[0,200],
* LAMBDA_V:[0,2]
* })
* let gm = new CPM.GridManipulator( C )
* // Seed a single cell
* gm.seedCell( 1 )
* // Perform some Monte Carlo Steps before dividing the cell
* for( let t = 0; t < 100; t++ ){
* C.timeStep()
* }
* gm.divideCell( 1 )
* // Check which pixels belong to which cell. Should be roughly half half.
* C.getStat( PixelsByCell )
divideCellTorus( id ){
let C = this.C
if( C.ndim != 2 ){
throw("The divideCell method is only implemented for 2D lattices yet!")
let cp = C.getStat( PixelsByCell )[id], com = C.getStat( CentroidsWithTorusCorrection )[id]
let bxx = 0, bxy = 0, byy=0, T, D, x1, y1, L2
// Loop over the pixels belonging to this cell
let si = this.C.extents, pixdist = {}, c = new Array(2)
for( let j = 0 ; j < cp.length ; j ++ ){
for ( let dim = 0 ; dim < 2 ; dim ++ ){
c[dim] = cp[j][dim] - com[dim]
if( C.conf.torus[dim] && j > 0 ){
// If distance is greater than half the grid size, correct the
// coordinate.
if( c[dim] > si[dim]/2 ){
c[dim] -= si[dim]
} else if( c[dim] < -si[dim]/2 ){
c[dim] += si[dim]
pixdist[j] = [...c]
bxx += c[0]*c[0]
bxy += c[0]*c[1]
byy += c[1]*c[1]
// This code computes a "dividing line", which is perpendicular to the longest
// axis of the cell.
if( bxy == 0 ){
x1 = 1
y1 = 0
} else {
T = bxx + byy
D = bxx*byy - bxy*bxy
//L1 = T/2 + Math.sqrt(T*T/4 - D)
L2 = T/2 - Math.sqrt(T*T/4 - D)
x1 = L2 - byy
y1 = bxy
// console.log( id )
// create a new ID for the second cell
let nid = C.makeNewCellID( C.cellKind( id ) )
for( let j = 0 ; j < cp.length ; j ++ ){
// x0 and y0 can be omitted as the div line is relative to the centroid (0, 0)
if( x1*pixdist[j][1]-pixdist[j][0]*y1 > 0 ){
C.setpix( cp[j], nid )
if (C.hasOwnProperty("cells")){
C.birth(nid, id)
// console.log()
C.stat_values = {} // remove cached stats or this will crash!!!
return nid
export default GridManipulator