import Grid from "./Grid.js"
/** A class containing (mostly static) utility functions for dealing with 2D
* grids. Extends the Grid class but implements functions specific to the 2D
* grid (such as neighborhoods).
* @example <caption>Diffusion on a 2D chemokine grid</caption>
* let CPM = require("path/to/build")
* // Make a grid with a chemokine, add some chemokine at the middle pixel
* let chemoGrid = new CPM.Grid2D( [100,100], [true,true], "Float32" )
* chemoGrid.setpix( [50,50], 100 )
* // Measure chemokine at different spots before and after diffusion
* let p1 = [50,50], p2 = [50,51]
* console.log( "p1: " + chemoGrid.pixt( p1 ) + ", p2: " + chemoGrid.pixt(p2) )
* chemoGrid.diffusion( 0.001 )
* console.log( "p1: " + chemoGrid.pixt( p1 ) + ", p2: " + chemoGrid.pixt(p2) )
* chemoGrid.multiplyBy( 0.9 ) // decay of the chemokine
* console.log( "p1: " + chemoGrid.pixt( p1 ) + ", p2: " + chemoGrid.pixt(p2) )
* @example <caption>Neighborhoods on a 2D grid</caption>
* let CPM = require("path/to/build")
* // Make a grid with a torus, and find the neighborhood of the upper left pixel [0,0]
* let grid = new CPM.Grid2D( [100,100], [true,true] )
* console.log( grid.neigh( [0,0] ) ) // returns coordinates of 8 neighbors
* // Now try a grid without torus; the corner now has fewer neighbors.
* let grid2 = new CPM.Grid2D( [100,100], [false,false] )
* console.log( grid2.neigh( [0,0] ) ) // returns only 3 neighbors
* // Or try a Neumann neighborhood using the iterator
* for( let i of grid.neighNeumanni( 0 ) ){
* console.log( grid.i2p(i).join(" ") )
* }
class Grid2D extends Grid {
/** Constructor of the Grid2D object.
* @param {GridSize} extents - the size of the grid in each dimension
* @param {boolean[]} [torus=[true,true]] - should the borders of the grid
* be linked, so that a cell moving out on the left reappears on the right?
* Should be an array specifying whether the torus holds in each dimension;
* eg [true,false] for a torus in x but not y dimension.
* Warning: setting the torus to false can give artifacts if not done
* properly, see {@link Grid#torus}.
* @param {string} [datatype="Uint16"] - What datatype are the values
* associated with each pixel on the grid? Choose from "Uint16" or
* "Float32". */
constructor( extents, torus=[true,true], datatype="Uint16" ){
super( extents, torus )
/** @ignore */
this.X_STEP = 1 << this.Y_BITS // for neighborhoods based on pixel index
/** @ignore */
this.Y_MASK = this.X_STEP-1
// Check that the grid size is not too big to store pixel ID in 32-bit
// number, and allow fast conversion of coordinates to unique
// ID numbers.
if( this.X_BITS + this.Y_BITS > 32 ){
throw("Field size too large -- field cannot be represented as 32-bit number")
this.datatype = datatype
// Attributes per pixel: CellId of the current pixel.
if( datatype === "Uint16" ){
/** Array with values for each pixel stored at the position of its
* {@link IndexCoordinate}. E.g. the value of pixel with coordinate
* i is stored as this._pixelArray[i].
* Note that this array is accessed indirectly via the
* {@link _pixels} set- and get methods.
* @private
* @type {Uint16Array|Float32Array} */
this._pixelArray = new Uint16Array(this.p2i(this.extents))
} else if( datatype === "Float32" ){
this._pixelArray = new Float32Array(this.p2i(this.extents))
} else {
throw("unsupported datatype: " + datatype)
/** This iterator returns locations and values of all pixels.
* Whereas the {@link pixels} generator yields only non-background pixels
* and specifies both their {@link ArrayCoordinate} and value, this
* generator yields all pixels by {@link IndexCoordinate} and does not
* report value.
* @return {IndexCoordinate} for each pixel on the grid (including
* background pixels).
* @example
* let CPM = require( "path/to/build" )
* // make a grid and set some values
* let grid = new CPM.Grid2D( [100,100], [true,true] )
* grid.setpixi( 0, 1 )
* grid.setpixi( 1, 5 )
* // iterator
* for( let i of grid.pixelsi() ){
* console.log( i )
* }
* pixelsi() {
let ii = 0, c = 0
for( let i = 0 ; i < this.extents[0] ; i ++ ){
for( let j = 0 ; j < this.extents[1] ; j ++ ){
yield ii
ii ++
c += this.X_STEP
ii = c
/** This iterator returns locations and values of all non-zero pixels.
* @return {Pixel} for each pixel, return an array [p,v] where p are
* the pixel's array coordinates on the grid, and v its value.
* @example
* let CPM = require( "path/to/build" )
* // make a grid and set some values
* let grid = new CPM.Grid2D( [100,100], [true,true] )
* grid.setpix( [0,0], 1 )
* grid.setpix( [0,1], 5 )
* // iterator
* for( let p of grid.pixels() ){
* console.log( p )
* }
* pixels() {
let ii = 0, c = 0
// Loop over coordinates [i,j] on the grid
// For each pixel with cellId != 0 (so non-background pixels),
// return an array with in the first element the pixel
// coordinates p = [i,j], and in the second element the cellId of this pixel.
for( let i = 0 ; i < this.extents[0] ; i ++ ){
for( let j = 0 ; j < this.extents[1] ; j ++ ){
//noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
let pixels = this._pixels
if( pixels[ii] > 0 ){ //check non-background
yield [[i,j], pixels[ii]]
ii ++
c += this.X_STEP
ii = c
/** Simple method for neighborhood computation. This method is not
* actually used in the framework, except to test the less intuitive
* (but faster) neighi method that works directly on index coordinates
* rather than first converting to array positions (which is expensive
* as neighborhoods are computed very often in the CPM).
* @ignore
* @param {IndexCoordinate} i - location of the pixel to get neighbors of.
* @return {IndexCoordinate[]} - an array of coordinates for all the
* neighbors of i.
neighiSimple( i ){
let p = this.i2p(i)
let xx = []
for( let d = 0 ; d <= 1 ; d ++ ){
if( p[d] === 0 ){
if( this.torus[d] ){
xx[d] = [p[d],this.extents[d]-1,p[d]+1]
} else {
xx[d] = [p[d],p[d]+1]
} else if( p[d] === this.extents[d]-1 ){
if( this.torus[d] ){
xx[d] = [p[d],p[d]-1,0]
} else {
xx[d] = [p[d],p[d]-1]
} else {
xx[d] = [p[d],p[d]-1,p[d]+1]
let r = [], first=true
for( let x of xx[0] ){
for( let y of xx[1] ){
if( first ){
first = false
} else {
r.push( this.p2i( [x,y] ) )
return r
/** Return array of {@link IndexCoordinate} of von Neumann-4 neighbor
* pixels of the pixel at coordinate i. This function takes the 2D
* Neumann-4 neighborhood, excluding the pixel itself.
* @see
* @param {IndexCoordinate} i - location of the pixel to get neighbors of.
* @param {boolean[]} [torus=[true,true]] - does the grid have linked
* borders? Defaults to the setting on this grid, see {@link torus}
* @return {IndexCoordinate[]} - an array of coordinates for all the
* neighbors of i.
* neighNeumanni( i, torus = this.torus ){
// normal computation of neighbor indices (top left-middle-right,
// left, right, bottom left-middle-right)
let t = i-1, l = i-this.X_STEP, r = i+this.X_STEP, b = i+1
// if pixel is part of one of the borders, adjust the
// indices accordingly
// if torus is false, return NaN for all neighbors that cross
// the border.
// left border
if( i < this.extents[1] ){
if( torus[0] ){
l += this.extents[0] * this.X_STEP
yield l
} else {
yield l
// right border
if( i >= this.X_STEP*( this.extents[0] - 1 ) ){
if( torus[0] ){
r -= this.extents[0] * this.X_STEP
yield r
} else {
yield r
// top border
if( i % this.X_STEP === 0 ){
if( torus[1] ){
t += this.extents[1]
yield t
} else {
yield t
// bottom border
if( (i+1-this.extents[1]) % this.X_STEP === 0 ){
if( torus[1] ){
b -= this.extents[1]
yield b
} else {
yield b
/** Return array of {@link IndexCoordinate} of Moore-8 neighbor pixels of
* the pixel at coordinate i. This function takes the 2D Moore-8
* neighborhood, excluding the pixel itself.
* @see
* @param {IndexCoordinate} i - location of the pixel to get neighbors of.
* @param {boolean[]} [torus] - does the grid have linked borders? Defaults
* to the setting on this grid, see {@link torus}
* @return {IndexCoordinate[]} - an array of coordinates for all the
* neighbors of i.
neighi( i, torus = this.torus ){
// normal computation of neighbor indices (top left-middle-right,
// left, right, bottom left-middle-right)
let tl, tm, tr, l, r, bl, bm, br
tl = i-1-this.X_STEP; tm = i-1; tr = i-1+this.X_STEP
l = i-this.X_STEP; r = i+this.X_STEP
bl = i+1-this.X_STEP; bm = i+1; br = i+1+this.X_STEP
// if pixel is part of one of the borders, adjust the
// indices accordingly
let add = NaN // if torus is false, return NaN for all neighbors that cross
// the border.
// left border
if( i < this.extents[1] ){
if( torus[0] ){
add = this.extents[0] * this.X_STEP
tl += add; l += add; bl += add
// right border
if( i >= this.X_STEP*( this.extents[0] - 1 ) ){
if( torus[0] ){
add = -this.extents[0] * this.X_STEP
tr += add; r += add; br += add
add = NaN
// top border
if( i % this.X_STEP === 0 ){
if( torus[1] ){
add = this.extents[1]
tl += add; tm += add; tr += add
// bottom border
if( (i+1-this.extents[1]) % this.X_STEP === 0 ){
if( torus[1] ){
add = -this.extents[1]
bl += add; bm += add; br += add
if( !(torus[0]&&torus[1]) ){
return [ tl, l, bl, tm, bm, tr, r, br ].filter( isFinite )
} else {
return [ tl, l, bl, tm, bm, tr, r, br ]
/** Method for conversion from an {@link ArrayCoordinate} to an
* {@link IndexCoordinate}.
* See also {@link Grid2D#i2p} for the backward conversion.
* @param {ArrayCoordinate} p - the coordinate of the pixel to convert
* @return {IndexCoordinate} the converted coordinate.
* @example
* let grid = new CPM.Grid2D( [100,100], [true,true] )
* let p = grid.i2p( 5 )
* console.log( p )
* console.log( grid.p2i( p ))
p2i ( p ){
// using bitwise operators for speed.
return ( p[0] << this.Y_BITS ) + p[1]
/** Method for conversion from an {@link IndexCoordinate} to an
* {@link ArrayCoordinate}.
* See also {@link Grid2D#p2i} for the backward conversion.
* @param {IndexCoordinate} i - the coordinate of the pixel to convert
* @return {ArrayCoordinate} the converted coordinate.
* @example
* let grid = new CPM.Grid2D( [100,100], [true,true] )
* let p = grid.i2p( 5 )
* console.log( p )
* console.log( grid.p2i( p ))
i2p ( i ){
// using bitwise operators for speed.
return [i >> this.Y_BITS, i & this.Y_MASK]
/** Method to compute the gradient at location i on the grid (location
* given as an {@link IndexCoordinate}).
* @param {IndexCoordinate} i - index coordinate of a pixel to compute the
* gradient at
* @return {number[]} the gradient at position i.
* @see */
gradienti( i ){
let t = i-1, b = i+1, l = i-this.X_STEP, r = i+this.X_STEP,
torus = this.torus
//noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
const pixels = this._pixels
let dx
if( i < this.extents[1] ){ // left border
if( torus[0] ){
l += this.extents[0] * this.X_STEP
dx = ((pixels[r]-pixels[i])+
} else {
dx = pixels[r]-pixels[i]
} else {
if( i >= this.X_STEP*( this.extents[0] - 1 ) ){ // right border
if( torus[0] ){
r -= this.extents[0] * this.X_STEP
dx = ((pixels[r]-pixels[i])+
} else {
dx = pixels[i]-pixels[l]
} else {
dx = ((pixels[r]-pixels[i])+
let dy
if( i % this.X_STEP === 0 ){ // top border
if( torus[1] ){
t += this.extents[1]
dy = ((pixels[b]-pixels[i])+
} else {
dy = pixels[b]-pixels[i]
} else {
if( (i+1-this.extents[1]) % this.X_STEP === 0 ){ // bottom border
if( torus[1] ){
b -= this.extents[1]
dy = ((pixels[b]-pixels[i])+
} else {
dy = pixels[i]-pixels[t]
} else {
dy = ((pixels[b]-pixels[i])+
return [dx, dy]
export default Grid2D