import Writer from "./Writer.js"
class MorpheusWriter extends Writer {
constructor( model, config ){
super( model, config )
// property set by initXML.
this.xml = undefined
this.cellTypeTagIndex = {}
this.fieldsToDraw = []
this.logString = "Hi there! Converting " + this.model.from + " to Morpheus XML...\n\n"
if( typeof !== undefined ){ = this.writeXML()
} else {
//eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.log( this.writeXML() )
return this.formatXml( new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(this.xml) )
formatXml(xml, tab) { // tab = optional indent value, default is tab (\t)
let formatted = "", indent= ""
tab = tab || "\t"
xml.split(/>\s*</).forEach(function(node) {
if (node.match( /^\/\w/ )) indent = indent.substring(tab.length) // decrease indent by one 'tab'
formatted += indent + "<" + node + ">\r\n"
if (node.match( /^<?\w[^>]*[^/]$/ )) indent += tab // increase indent
return formatted.substring(1, formatted.length-3)
let xmlString = "<MorpheusModel></MorpheusModel>"
let parser = new DOMParser()
this.xml = parser.parseFromString( xmlString, "text/xml" )
this.setAttributesOf( "MorpheusModel", {version: "4" } )
/* ========== METHODS TO MANIPULATE XML STRUCTURE =========== */
setAttributesOf( node, attr, index = 0 ){
for( let a of Object.keys( attr ) ){
this.xml.getElementsByTagName( node )[index].setAttribute( a, attr[a] )
attachNode( parentName, nodeName, value = undefined, attr= {}, index = 0 ){
let node = this.makeNode( nodeName, value, attr )
this.addNodeTo( node, parentName, index )
makeNode( nodeName, value = undefined, attr= {} ){
let node = this.xml.createElement( nodeName )
if( typeof value !== "undefined" ){
node.innerHTML = value
for( let a of Object.keys( attr ) ){
node.setAttribute( a, attr[a] )
return node
addNodeTo( node, parentName, index = 0 ){
let parent = this.xml.getElementsByTagName( parentName )[index]
setNode( nodeName, value, index = 0 ){
this.xml.getElementsByTagName( nodeName )[index].innerHTML = value
/* ========== OTHER HELPER METHODS =========== */
toMorpheusCoordinate( coordinate, fillValue = 0 ){
while( coordinate.length < 3 ){
coordinate.push( fillValue )
return coordinate.toString()
this.attachNode( "MorpheusModel", "Description" )
this.attachNode( "Description", "Title",
this.model.modelInfo.title )
this.attachNode( "Description", "Details",
this.model.modelInfo.desc )
this.attachNode( "MorpheusModel", "Global" )
// Set <Space> tag and children
this.attachNode( "MorpheusModel", "Space" )
this.attachNode( "Space", "Lattice", undefined,
{"class":this.model.grid.geometry } )
this.attachNode( "Space", "SpaceSymbol", undefined,
{symbol: "space" } )
// Set the lattice properties.
this.attachNode( "Lattice", "Size", undefined,
{ symbol : "size",
value : this.toMorpheusCoordinate( this.model.grid.extents ) } )
this.attachNode( "Lattice", "Neighborhood" )
if( typeof this.model.grid.neighborhood.order !== "undefined" ){
this.attachNode( "Neighborhood", "Order",
this.model.grid.neighborhood.order )
} else if ( typeof this.model.grid.neighborhood.distance !== "undefined") {
this.attachNode( "Neighborhood", "Distance",
this.model.grid.neighborhood.distance )
} else {
this.conversionWarnings.grid.push( "Unknown neighborhood order; " +
"reverting to default order 2 instead." )
this.attachNode( "Neighborhood", "Order", 2 )
this.attachNode( "Lattice", "BoundaryConditions" )
const dimNames = ["x","y","z"]
const knownBounds = { periodic: true, noflux : true, constant: true }
for( let d = 0; d < this.model.grid.boundaries.length; d++ ){
let bType = this.model.grid.boundaries[d]
if( !knownBounds.hasOwnProperty( bType ) ){
"Unknown boundary type : " + bType + "; setting to" +
"default 'periodic' instead."
bType = "periodic"
this.attachNode( "BoundaryConditions", "Condition",
undefined, { boundary: dimNames[d], type: bType } )
this.attachNode( "MorpheusModel", "Time" )
this.attachNode( "Time", "StartTime", undefined,
{value: this.model.timeInfo.start } )
this.attachNode( "Time", "StopTime", undefined,
{value: this.model.timeInfo.stop } )
if( typeof this.model.kinetics.seed !== "undefined" ){
this.attachNode( "Time", "RandomSeed", undefined,
{ value: this.model.kinetics.seed } )
this.attachNode( "Time", "TimeSymbol", undefined,
{ symbol: "time" } )
this.attachNode( "MorpheusModel", "CellTypes" )
const ck = this.model.cellKinds
for( let ki = 0; ki < ck.count; ki++ ){
// Special case: background is always the first (index ki = 0 )
if( ki === 0 ){
this.attachNode( "CellTypes", "CellType", undefined,
{ class : "medium", name : ck.index2name[ ki.toString() ] } )
} else {
this.attachNode( "CellTypes", "CellType", undefined,
{ class : "biological", name : ck.index2name[ ki.toString() ] } )
this.cellTypeTagIndex[ this.model.getKindName( ki ) ] =
this.xml.getElementsByTagName( "CellType" ).length - 1
this.attachNode( "MorpheusModel", "CPM" )
this.attachNode( "CPM", "Interaction" )
this.attachNode( "CPM", "MonteCarloSampler", undefined,
this.attachNode( "MonteCarloSampler" , "MCSDuration", undefined,
this.attachNode( "MonteCarloSampler", "Neighborhood" )
let neighIndex = this.xml.getElementsByTagName("Neighborhood").length - 1
this.attachNode( "Neighborhood", "Order", 2, {}, neighIndex )
this.attachNode( "MonteCarloSampler", "MetropolisKinetics", undefined,
{ temperature: this.model.kinetics.T } )
this.attachNode( "CPM", "ShapeSurface", undefined,
{scaling: "none" } )
this.attachNode( "ShapeSurface", "Neighborhood" )
this.attachNode( "Neighborhood", "Order", 2, {}, neighIndex )
const constraints = this.model.constraints.constraints
for (let cName of Object.keys( constraints ) ){
switch( cName ){
case "Adhesion" :
// is actually handled by this.writeCPM()
case "VolumeConstraint" :
this.setVolumeConstraint( constraints[cName] )
case "PerimeterConstraint" :
this.setPerimeterConstraint( constraints[cName] )
case "ActivityConstraint" :
this.setActivityConstraint( constraints[cName] )
case "LocalConnectivityConstraint" :
this.setConnectivityConstraint( constraints[cName], cName )
case "ConnectivityConstraint" :
this.setConnectivityConstraint( constraints[cName], cName )
case "SoftConnectivityConstraint" :
this.setConnectivityConstraint( constraints[cName], cName )
case "SoftLocalConnectivityConstraint" :
this.setConnectivityConstraint( constraints[cName], cName )
case "BarrierConstraint" :
this.setBarrierConstraint( constraints[cName] )
case "PersistenceConstraint" :
this.setPersistenceConstraint( constraints[cName] )
case "PreferredDirectionConstraint" :
this.setPreferredDirectionConstraint( constraints[cName] )
case "ChemotaxisConstraint" :
this.setChemotaxisConstraint( constraints[cName] )
default :
this.conversionWarnings.constraints.push( "Constraint :" +
cName + " doesn't exist in Morpheus. Making the model anyway " +
"without it; behaviour of the model may change so please " +
"check manually for alternatives in Morpheus."
multipleConstraintsWarning( constraintName ){
"It appears as if your model has multiple constraints of type " +
constraintName + "; ignoring all but the first."
setAdhesion( ){
if( this.model.constraints.constraints.hasOwnProperty("Adhesion")) {
const JMatrix = this.model.constraints.constraints.Adhesion[0].J
for (let ki = 0; ki < this.model.cellKinds.count; ki++) {
for (let kj = 0; kj <= ki; kj++) {
const j1 = JMatrix[ki][kj], j2 = JMatrix[kj][ki]
if (!isNaN(j1) && (j1 !== j2)) {
"Your adhesion matrix is not symmetrical, which is not" +
"supported by Morpheus. Please check <Interaction> <Contact> values and " +
"modify if required."
let J = j1
if (isNaN(J)) {
J = 0
const iName = this.model.getKindName(ki)
const jName = this.model.getKindName(kj)
this.attachNode("Interaction", "Contact", undefined,
{type1: iName, type2: jName, value: J})
setVolumeConstraint( confArray ){
if( confArray.length > 1 ){
this.multipleConstraintsWarning( "VolumeConstraint" )
const conf = confArray[0]
const lambda = conf.LAMBDA_V
const target = conf.V
for( let k = 0; k < lambda.length; k++ ){
// only add constraint to CellType for which it is non-zero.
if( lambda[k] > 0 ){
const kName = this.model.getKindName(k)
let constraintNode = this.makeNode( "VolumeConstraint",
undefined, {target: target[k], strength: lambda[k]})
this.addNodeTo( constraintNode, "CellType", this.cellTypeTagIndex[kName] )
setPerimeterConstraint( confArray ){
if( confArray.length > 1 ){
this.multipleConstraintsWarning( "PerimeterConstraint" )
const conf = confArray[0]
const lambda = conf.LAMBDA_P
const target = conf.P
for( let k = 0; k < lambda.length; k++ ){
// only add constraint to CellType for which it is non-zero.
if( lambda[k] > 0 ){
const kName = this.model.getKindName(k)
let constraintNode = this.makeNode( "SurfaceConstraint",
undefined, {mode: "surface", target: target[k], strength: lambda[k]})
this.addNodeTo( constraintNode, "CellType", this.cellTypeTagIndex[kName] )
setActivityConstraint( confArray ){
if( confArray.length > 1 ){
this.multipleConstraintsWarning( "ActivityConstraint" )
const conf = confArray[0]
const lambda = conf.LAMBDA_ACT
const maximum = conf.MAX_ACT
const actMean = conf.ACT_MEAN
if( actMean !== "geometric" ){
this.conversionWarnings.constraints.push( "You have an ActivityConstraint with" +
" ACT_MEAN = 'arithmetic', but this is not supported in Morpheus. " +
"Switching to 'geometric'. Behaviour may change slightly; please " +
"check if this is a problem and adjust parameters if this is the case." )
for( let k = 0; k < lambda.length; k++ ){
// only add constraint to CellType for which it is non-zero.
if( lambda[k] > 0 ){
const kName = this.model.getKindName(k)
// Add the protrusion plugin to the celltype
let constraintNode = this.makeNode( "Protrusion",
undefined, {field: "act", maximum: maximum[k], strength: lambda[k]})
this.addNodeTo( constraintNode, "CellType", this.cellTypeTagIndex[kName] )
// We also need to add an activity Field to the <Global> tag.
let actField = this.makeNode( "Field", undefined,
{symbol: "act", value: "0", name: "actin-activity" } )
let diff = this.makeNode( "Diffusion", undefined, {rate:"0"})
actField.appendChild( diff )
this.addNodeTo( actField, "Global" )
this.fieldsToDraw.push( "act" )
setConnectivityConstraint( confArray, cName ){
if( confArray.length > 1 ){
this.multipleConstraintsWarning( "ConnectivityConstraint" )
const conf = confArray[0]
// Hard constraint
if( conf.hasOwnProperty( "CONNECTED" ) ){
const conn = conf.CONNECTED
for( let k = 0; k < conn.length; k++ ){
if( conn[k] ){
let constraintNode = this.makeNode( "ConnectivityConstraint" )
this.addNodeTo( constraintNode, "CellType",
this.cellTypeTagIndex[this.model.getKindName(k)] )
if( cName === "LocalConnectivityConstraint" ){
this.conversionWarnings.constraints.push( "Your artistoo " +
"model has a LocalConnectivityConstraint, which is not " +
"supported in Morpheus. Converting to the Morpheus " +
"ConnectivityConstraint; behaviour may change slightly " +
"so please check your model." )
// Or the soft constraint
else if ( conf.hasOwnProperty ( "LAMBDA_CONNECTIVITY" ) ){
// add only to the cells for which it is non-zero.
const lambda = conf.LAMBDA_CONNECTIVITY
for( let k = 0; k < lambda.length; k++ ){
if( lambda[k] > 0 ){
let constraintNode = this.makeNode( "ConnectivityConstraint" )
this.addNodeTo( constraintNode, "CellType",
this.cellTypeTagIndex[this.model.getKindName(k)] )
this.conversionWarnings.constraints.push( "Your artistoo " +
"model has a " + cName + ", which is not " +
"supported in Morpheus. Converting to the Morpheus " +
"ConnectivityConstraint; this is a hard constraint so " +
" behaviour may change slightly -- please check your model." )
setBarrierConstraint( confArray ){
if( confArray.length > 1 ){
this.multipleConstraintsWarning( "BarrierConstraint" )
const conf = confArray[0]
const barr = conf.IS_BARRIER
// Add to cells for which it is set to true.
for( let k = 0; k < barr.length; k++ ){
if( barr[k] ){
let constraintNode = this.makeNode( "FreezeMotion",
undefined, { condition: "1"})
this.addNodeTo( constraintNode, "CellType",
this.cellTypeTagIndex[this.model.getKindName(k)] )
setPersistenceConstraint( confArray ){
if( confArray.length > 1 ){
this.multipleConstraintsWarning( "PersistenceConstraint" )
const conf = confArray[0]
const lambda = conf.LAMBDA_DIR
const dt = conf.DELTA_T || this.model.initCellKindVector(10)
const prob = conf.PERSIST
for( let k = 0; k < lambda.length; k++ ){
// only add constraint to CellType for which it is non-zero.
if( lambda[k] > 0 ){
const kName = this.model.getKindName(k)
let constraintNode = this.makeNode( "PersistentMotion",
undefined, {decaytime: dt[k], strength: lambda[k]})
this.addNodeTo( constraintNode, "CellType", this.cellTypeTagIndex[kName] )
if( prob[k] !== 1 ){
this.conversionWarnings.constraints.push( "Your model has a " +
"PersistenceConstraint with PERSIST = " + prob[k] + ", but " +
"Morpheus only supports PERSIST = 1. Reverting to this setting " +
"instead, please check your model carefully." )
setPreferredDirectionConstraint( confArray ){
if( confArray.length > 1 ){
this.multipleConstraintsWarning( "PreferredDirectionConstraint" )
const conf = confArray[0]
const lambda = conf.LAMBDA_DIR
const dir = conf.DIR
for( let k = 0; k < lambda.length; k++ ){
// only add constraint to CellType for which it is non-zero.
if( lambda[k] > 0 ){
const kName = this.model.getKindName(k)
const direction = this.toMorpheusCoordinate( dir[k] )
let constraintNode = this.makeNode( "DirectedMotion",
undefined, {direction: direction, strength: lambda[k]})
this.addNodeTo( constraintNode, "CellType", this.cellTypeTagIndex[kName] )
setChemotaxisConstraint( confArray ){
for( let i = 0; i < confArray.length; i++ ){
const conf = confArray[i]
const index = i+1
const fieldName = "U" + index
const lambda = conf.LAMBDA_CH
const field = conf.CH_FIELD
// Warn for a CoarseGrid
if( typeof field.upscale !== "undefined" && field.upscale !== 1 ){
"Your ChemotaxisConstraint is linked to a 'CoarseGrid' with " +
"a different resolution than the original CPM grid. This is not " +
"supported in Morpheus. Adding a Field anyway, but you may have " +
"to check and scale the diffusion rate."
// Add the constraint to celltypes for which lambda nonzero.
for( let k = 0; k < lambda.length; k++ ){
if( lambda[k] > 0 ){
const kName = this.model.getKindName(k)
let constraintNode = this.makeNode( "Chemotaxis",
undefined, {field: fieldName, strength: lambda[k]})
this.addNodeTo( constraintNode, "CellType", this.cellTypeTagIndex[kName] )
// For this to work, the concentration field 'U' needs to exist in 'global'.
let fieldNode = this.makeNode( "Field", undefined,
{symbol: fieldName, value : 0 } )
let diffNode = this.makeNode( "Diffusion", undefined,
{rate:0.1} )
this.conversionWarnings.constraints.push( "Adding a ChemotaxisConstraint " +
"with an attached field, but cannot find parameters like diffusion rate, " +
"chemokine production rate, and decay rate automatically. Adding some " +
"default values; please adapt these manually (by configuring constants " +
"and properties under 'Global' and where " +
"relevant under the 'CellTypes')" )
fieldNode.appendChild( diffNode )
this.addNodeTo( fieldNode, "Global" )
// Also add the production/decay equation in a system
let sysNode = this.makeNode( "System", undefined,
{solver: "Euler [fixed, O(1)]", "time-step":1 } )
let eqnNode = this.makeNode( "DiffEqn", undefined,
{ "symbol-ref" : fieldName })
let expr = "P" + index + " - d" + index +"*" + fieldName
let exprNode = this.makeNode( "Expression", expr )
eqnNode.appendChild( exprNode )
sysNode.appendChild( eqnNode )
// Add the constant degradation used in the equation
let constNode = this.makeNode( "Constant", undefined,
{ symbol: "d"+index, value : "0", name: "degradation "+fieldName } )
sysNode.appendChild( constNode )
// Add the production, space-dependent so use a field
let productionField = this.makeNode( "Field", undefined,
{"symbol": "P"+index, value : 0} )
let eqn2Node = this.makeNode( "Equation", undefined,
{ "symbol-ref" : "P"+index, name: "production "+fieldName })
const randX = Math.floor( Math.random() * this.model.grid.extents[0] )
const randY = Math.floor( Math.random() * this.model.grid.extents[1] )
let expr2Node = this.makeNode( "Expression",
"if( space.x == "+randX+" and space.y == "+randY+", 10, 0 )" )
eqn2Node.appendChild( expr2Node )
this.addNodeTo( eqn2Node, "Global" )
this.addNodeTo( productionField, "Global" )
this.addNodeTo( sysNode, "Global" )
this.fieldsToDraw.push( fieldName )
this.attachNode( "MorpheusModel", "CellPopulations" )
let objects = {} // key for each kind, array of objects in InitCellObjects as value.
let ID = 1
for( let init of this.model.setup.init ){
const k = init.kindName
if( !objects.hasOwnProperty(k) ){ objects[k] = [] }
switch( init.setter ){
case "circleObject" :
// objects added per cellkind below the loop.
objects[k].push(this.makeNode("Sphere", undefined,
{center: this.toMorpheusCoordinate( ),
radius: init.radius}))
case "boxObject" :
// objects added per cellkind below the loop.
objects[k].push(this.makeNode("Box", undefined,
{origin: this.toMorpheusCoordinate( init.bottomLeft ),
size: this.toMorpheusCoordinate( init.boxSize ) } ) )
case "cellCircle" : {
let popNode = this.makeNode( "Population", undefined, {type:k } )
let initNode = this.makeNode( "InitCircle",
undefined, { mode: "random", "number-of-cells": init.nCells })
let dimNode = this.makeNode( "Dimensions", undefined,
{center : this.toMorpheusCoordinate( ),
radius: init.radius} )
initNode.appendChild( dimNode )
popNode.appendChild( initNode )
this.addNodeTo( popNode, "CellPopulations" )
case "pixelSet" : {
let popNode = this.makeNode( "Population", undefined, {type:k } )
let cellNode = this.makeNode( "Cell",
undefined, { id: ID, name: ID })
let ww = this
let pixelList = function(p){
return ww.toMorpheusCoordinate(p)
} )
let nodeNode = this.makeNode( "Nodes",
pixelList.join(";") )
cellNode.appendChild( nodeNode )
popNode.appendChild( cellNode )
this.addNodeTo( popNode, "CellPopulations" )
default :
this.conversionWarnings.init.push( "Unknown initializer : " + init.setter +
", ignoring; you may have to check the CellPopulations settings of your model" +
for( let k of Object.keys( objects ) ){
if( objects[k].length > 0 ) {
let popNode = this.makeNode("Population", undefined, {type: k})
let initNode = this.makeNode("InitCellObjects",
undefined, {mode: "distance"})
let objArr = objects[k]
for (let obj of objArr) {
let arrNode = this.makeNode("Arrangement", undefined,
{displacements: "0,0,0", repetitions: "1,1,1"})
this.addNodeTo(popNode, "CellPopulations")
"Auto-conversion of plots and other output is not (yet) supported." +
"Adding some default outputs, but please check and adjust these " +
this.attachNode( "MorpheusModel", "Analysis" )
let gnuPlot = this.makeNode( "Gnuplotter", undefined, {"time-step":50} )
this.makeNode( "Terminal", undefined, {name:"png"})
let plot = this.makeNode( "Plot" )
this.makeNode( "Cells", undefined,
{opacity:"0.2", value: "cell.type" })
// Plot the fields to draw
for( let f of this.fieldsToDraw ){
plot.appendChild( this.makeNode( "Field", undefined,
{"symbol-ref": f } ) )
gnuPlot.appendChild( plot )
this.addNodeTo( gnuPlot, "Analysis" )
export default MorpheusWriter